Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hello World

I decided to write a blog thinking it would be a better way to let people "in the know" then constantly updating my facebook status. :) Although I must admit, old habits die hard so don't be surprised when I go directly to facebook after this post to update my status on this post. I'm just saying that if you wanna know a little more, then read this it may be fun for you and a good outlet for me.

When deciding what my "title" should be I googled "clever blog titles" and that proved to be a waste, so if you are gonna start a blog don't bother! However I did get to thinking and thought well I am simply writing about my life, my thoughts, my ins and outs. So this blog is just about me living as me. And for me I must admit I am living the dream. Now I know when you see that title you are thinking "I must be reading about some girl who is like an actress, or has a mansion, models, goes to the moon." You know something dramatic. But no I am just living my dream. Simple as it may be and even corny as is sounds. I am very happy with where I am; husband, dog, ranch house, car, job :) 

So I am gonna try this for a year, see how it goes. Try and post about once a week! It should be fun and kinda interesting. And if it turns out I am not that interesting then well...maybe I am not meant to be a blogger. We shall see :) 

Thanks for reading!