Sunday, August 1, 2010

Carefree days turning into busy ones

So I am enjoying my last night of what has been a wonderful and carefree summer. Well as carefree as becoming a homeowner can be! But honestly I loved sleeping in, reading, seeing family and friends, and overall not having to worry about too much other then where to hang the pictures in the new house and making sure my cheerleading squad is learning the school song. (I coach a JV/Varsity squad.)
As this week commences all that will drastically change to: up early, coffee for fuel, lesson plans, meetings, students, parents, grading papers, and evening practices and games. And I am SO excited, nervous, scared, ready, not ready, sure, not sure. Makes sense right? I have been waiting my whole life for this teaching job (okay give or take the first 5 years). But really I made my little sister play school, I asked for a white board AND desk for christmas. I use to make my mom take me to the "teacher store" and I would buy stickers. I love that I have always known what I wanted in my job. And I love that it has been nothing but great experiences. But I think that is where the scared comes in. I think of what ifs and I worry. At the end of the day I know it will be good, it will be trying and exhausting, and exciting. If I let my mind wonder too much I get stressed. Will I remember all the management theories from EDEL 300? Will I apply what Fred Jones wrote about and I read about in 450? Will I remember all 23 names by the end of day 1 (personal goal!) AHHH scary and exciting see I told you! 

On another note it is damn expensive to be a teacher. Chris and I went shopping yesterday for basic classroom supplies....let me just say it was not cheap. And no one needs to be reminded the old "how much does a teacher make" saying. I mean my job pays the bills....but my college debt to new income's some funny numbers. I will rant just this once (ok probably not) about how we are one of the lowest paying professionals. And that what I paid to get my teaching degree will take a few solid years of work to pay off....and thats IF I didn't have to pay the bills as well. BUT I am the lucky one because everyday I love my job and everyday is a new and different day, so it's not like I didn't know about the pay. I still went for it, and I would again and again and again. 

So let me sign off by saying that I will enjoy my last carefree night. And I look forward to being busy from today on!! I think....most days I will :) And when June comes again I will enjoy those carefree days once again!