Sunday, December 12, 2010

When did it become December?

Today on this cold and snowy day, while putting off grades and lesson planning, I noticed the tag "my blog" on my "favorites." Interesting that I one: forgot all about this genius blog I decided to create in August and two: I have lots of things on my favorites that I actually don't favor." So I of course click on "my blog" and instantly chuckle at the line I wrote 137 days ago "I will try and write once a week" bahaha 4 months later here I am writing my third post, opps! 

Oh how life has happened, and the reality of "first year teacher" really settled in. Still a great reality, but one that leaves little time for updating blogs! I love my job but it has been 4 months of tears, frustration, joy, worry, stress, fear, and reward. How many of you get to experience all that in 4 months? And still stay yes I love my job and yes things truly are going wonderfully. 

I am learning 5 important things that will sum up that time between August and now:

1. I can't do it all, the right away...perfectly....all the time. WHEW that feels GOOD to say. If you know me you are aware that I like things to be oh just right. I can't play dominoes because they must stay straight, and I can't stand it when I don't get things right. I also will not be the world's best teacher for a long time, if ever. Does that even exist, "the world's best." And that is okay, I have tons to learn, but I am learning that is okay. I bite off a lot thinking I must impress everyone. But the truth is I don't have to impress everyone. I just have to walk away everyday knowing that maybe today, a kid learned something valuable. Be it addition facts or to wash their hands before lunch. Or even if they didn't learn something, I at least planted a seed for a lesson later. And I am learning everyday too, and that is wonderful!

2. I can't fix them all, I can just care about them all. The first two months of my school year were full of tears and frustration because I thought I could fix a 6 year old who had been through more then any one person should ever have to go through in their life, let alone a child. And all I could do was reach out and get help for him. 

3. Sometimes you just have to close the classroom door and go home! I can still be a great teacher if I go home before 9 o'clock at night. 

4. The classroom cannot be my life! I have struggled SO much with this one. Being a terrible friend because by the time I get home every night it is too late to call and see how my closest friends are doing. Furthermore-sometimes it is nice to have a whole conversation without mentioning school, lessons, student, or anything related to education. But lucky for me not only do my friends and family understand but they support me in every way possible and for that I am the most blessed. 

5. Just say NO-I can tell my mentor teacher NO I cannot volunteer for any more committees, I can tell my level chair NO I have no idea how to plan that field trip. I really thought the only way I would succeed was to say yes to everything, instead I am learning that the way I will succeed is to sometimes say no-I have too much on my plate. 

So as you can has been a wonderful, emotional, and educational past 4 months. Yes it is still everything I ever wanted in my career. Yes I cry when a parent writes me a thank you note, because I made their child feel special without ever realizing it. And yes I do a cheer with a student who finally passed their plus 1's after 3 months of "just one more." And yes I have consumed a few glasses of wine over my first semester as Mrs. Mcgrew first grade teacher ;) 

So here is to another post and maybe even another one.....4 months later, or next week, we will see :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Carefree days turning into busy ones

So I am enjoying my last night of what has been a wonderful and carefree summer. Well as carefree as becoming a homeowner can be! But honestly I loved sleeping in, reading, seeing family and friends, and overall not having to worry about too much other then where to hang the pictures in the new house and making sure my cheerleading squad is learning the school song. (I coach a JV/Varsity squad.)
As this week commences all that will drastically change to: up early, coffee for fuel, lesson plans, meetings, students, parents, grading papers, and evening practices and games. And I am SO excited, nervous, scared, ready, not ready, sure, not sure. Makes sense right? I have been waiting my whole life for this teaching job (okay give or take the first 5 years). But really I made my little sister play school, I asked for a white board AND desk for christmas. I use to make my mom take me to the "teacher store" and I would buy stickers. I love that I have always known what I wanted in my job. And I love that it has been nothing but great experiences. But I think that is where the scared comes in. I think of what ifs and I worry. At the end of the day I know it will be good, it will be trying and exhausting, and exciting. If I let my mind wonder too much I get stressed. Will I remember all the management theories from EDEL 300? Will I apply what Fred Jones wrote about and I read about in 450? Will I remember all 23 names by the end of day 1 (personal goal!) AHHH scary and exciting see I told you! 

On another note it is damn expensive to be a teacher. Chris and I went shopping yesterday for basic classroom supplies....let me just say it was not cheap. And no one needs to be reminded the old "how much does a teacher make" saying. I mean my job pays the bills....but my college debt to new income's some funny numbers. I will rant just this once (ok probably not) about how we are one of the lowest paying professionals. And that what I paid to get my teaching degree will take a few solid years of work to pay off....and thats IF I didn't have to pay the bills as well. BUT I am the lucky one because everyday I love my job and everyday is a new and different day, so it's not like I didn't know about the pay. I still went for it, and I would again and again and again. 

So let me sign off by saying that I will enjoy my last carefree night. And I look forward to being busy from today on!! I think....most days I will :) And when June comes again I will enjoy those carefree days once again! 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hello World

I decided to write a blog thinking it would be a better way to let people "in the know" then constantly updating my facebook status. :) Although I must admit, old habits die hard so don't be surprised when I go directly to facebook after this post to update my status on this post. I'm just saying that if you wanna know a little more, then read this it may be fun for you and a good outlet for me.

When deciding what my "title" should be I googled "clever blog titles" and that proved to be a waste, so if you are gonna start a blog don't bother! However I did get to thinking and thought well I am simply writing about my life, my thoughts, my ins and outs. So this blog is just about me living as me. And for me I must admit I am living the dream. Now I know when you see that title you are thinking "I must be reading about some girl who is like an actress, or has a mansion, models, goes to the moon." You know something dramatic. But no I am just living my dream. Simple as it may be and even corny as is sounds. I am very happy with where I am; husband, dog, ranch house, car, job :) 

So I am gonna try this for a year, see how it goes. Try and post about once a week! It should be fun and kinda interesting. And if it turns out I am not that interesting then well...maybe I am not meant to be a blogger. We shall see :) 

Thanks for reading!